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HomeFoodsJourney to a Hungarian Country Full of Natural Beauty and Historical Attractions

Journey to a Hungarian Country Full of Natural Beauty and Historical Attractions

1. Overview of Hungary

If you are on vacation in Europe, you can visit Hungary. Hungary is a republic whose capital is in Budapest. In ancient times, Hungary was included in the territory of the Ottoman Empire which caused influences in the fields of literature and food. If you want to travel to Hungary, arrange your schedule. So you can visit popular tourist attractions in Hungary. Therefore, we provide references for tourist attractions in Hungary that make your heart happy

As you know, Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe and is located in the Carpathian Basin. The country consists of flat land with hills and low mountains. Therefore, Hungary offers beautiful natural scenery with crystal clear rivers, more than 1300 hot springs, and Lake Balaton, which is the largest freshwater lake in Central Europe.

2. Hungary attractive destinations

If you want a trip to Hungary, you should understand that this country has a usually dry continental climate with warm summers and relatively cold winters. So you don’t have any problems when you are here. This country has political and economic stability and has been a member of the European Union since 2004. The crime rate in the country is low, and violence is rare.

Hungary provides universal healthcare to its citizens, so the private healthcare system feels very advanced with experienced medical professionals. The country also offers public and private education to students coming from all over the world. Therefore, many students from abroad attend education here.

Balaton lake

Your trip to Hungary must be very pleasant. In this country, there is Lake Balaton and the Benedictine Monastery which has beautiful and enchanting views. So don’t miss to visit this place. Lake Balaton is included in the nature reserve area which has almond and lavender trees in it.

The fresh air that you can enjoy here, will not be found anywhere else. Then, here you can visit the Benedictine Monastery which was built in the 17th century and has a history of religious development in Hungary. Not far from the Benedictine Monastery is the deep harbor which allows you to enjoy views of the boats on the lake. You can also enjoy your vacation by taking a boat to see the sights around the lake. We hope that our review will make your trip memorable and enjoyable.

Buda Castle

Next to your trip to Hungaria, you can visit popular historical places. This place has been included in the list of UNESCO world cultural heritage sites since 1987. This castle was built during the 14th and 15th centuries. This is the first palace in the Gothic style with baroque ornament architecture. This castle is located on Vargehy Peak and faces the city. What’s attractive is that this castle is located at a height of 48 meters above the Danube. So you can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

This Buda Castle has a very important history for Hungary. The castle is also a symbol of the rise or fall of Hungarian fortune. Now this castle is widely used for the activities of cultural institutions such as the existence of two museums in the castle. The two museums are the National Gallery Museum and the Budapest Historical Museum. The existing Buda Castle is the main structure called the Royal Palace. Especially for the interior design, made without ornaments that surround it. This is different from the Borobudur Temple in Indonesia which is used as a relic of the Buddhist kingdom which is full of ornaments. So for those of you who want to know about the development of Buddhism in ancient times until now, you can listen to stories from your tour guide

Heroes Square

If you are on holiday in Hungary, you can visit this historic square. You can find this place at the end of the Andrassy Avenue area. Within Heroes Square are the Millennium Monument and Museum of Fine Arts which were constructed in 1896 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of the arrival of the Carpathian Basin to this country. The location of Heroes Square is at the end of Andrássy Avenue and is located right next to City Park.

This tourist spot is a tourist spot most frequently visited by tourists. Not only that but Heroes Square is also surrounded by several important places. In this place, you can visit two important buildings, namely the Museum of Fine Arts on the left of Heroes Square and the Kunsthalle (Hall of Art) on the right. When the monument was built, Hungary was under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1989, many Hungarians gathered at this monument, at least 25 thousand Hungarians who were at the monument witnessed the execution of Imre Nagy, Former Prime Minister of Hungary at that time. That is a brief story about the Andrassy Avenue area. Hopefully, it can add to your knowledge about Hungary.

Sinagog Dohany Street

The next attractive tourist spot is the Dohany Street Synagogue is located in the Old Jewish District. This place is the center of the teachings of Neolog Judaism, which is the largest Jewish place of worship in Europe. There is a Jewish cemetery, Jewish Museum, and Holocaust Memorial here. If you visit here, you will find beautiful architecture and rich history.

This place is very historic. The Dohany Street Synagogue is also often called The Great Synagogue. Located in the 7th district of Hungary, this synagogue is the largest in Europe. This place has also been named the second-largest synagogue in the world. There are 3,000 seats in this synagogue. This place was Built in early 1854, and in 1859 the synagogue was designed by architect Ludwig Forster. In addition, this synagogue has a Jewish architectural style which shows the architectural techniques of the Oriental ethnic groups.


Lillafured is a popular Hungarian tourist object with historic caves. In this place, you can see stalactite and stalagmite formations that were formed since the ice age. Of the several types of caves found in Lillafured, Istvan Cave, Petofi Cave, and Szeleta Cave are among the caves most visited by foreign tourists. Inside the Petofi Cave, there are traces of plant species attached to the limestone walls. Meanwhile, in Szeleta Cave, there is a history of former colonization and carvings that are thought to have been made with arrows or spears. So for those of you who want your tour to feel complete, you can visit this place.

Danube River

Hungary is a country in the middle of the mainland. So an attractive water tourism object is to enjoy your vacation at the riverside which is located in the heart of the city. As you can see, the Danube is the longest river in Hungary which divides the city into two parts. The river flows from north to south and a favorite view here is the sunset view that is accessed from the Freedom Bridge. So When you visit this one tourist spot, don’t forget to try the Danube bicycle path which takes you through Esztergom, the historical village of Szigetmonostor, and the Roman Fort Kelemantia.

Beautiful Chains Bridge

Another tourist object that you can visit in Hungary is the Chain Bridge. This bridge connects the Buda cities and Pest. This bridge has made of permanent natural stone. Then, this bridge stretches over the Danube River and has decorated with giant chains. From here, you can see how spectacular Buda Castle and the beautiful city are. This beautiful tourist attraction is a Hungarian tourist icon. Therefore, you must include this place in your visit list to Hungary.

Hungarian people call this bridge a chain bridge because it is decorated with beautiful chains. This chain bridge is the largest in Hungary. Even though the name is the Chain Bridge, the people around this bridge often call it the Budapest Bridge because it can unite two regions, namely the Buda and Pest regions. Previously the two areas were separated by the Danube River. The Chain Bridge was built in 1849, which makes the charm of this bridge, and is located on the cream-colored bridge gate. Enjoy your vacation to Hungary.

Szechenyi bath and spa

The most attractive in Hungary are the swimming pools and hot springs. Since ancient times, Hungary has been known as a place that has the best hot springs in the world. At the time of the Roman Empire, Hungary was famous as a hot spring where the water was able to cure various types of diseases.

For you to know, during the 16th century Ottoman Empire, many hot springs were restored for medical treatment. So when you are in Hungary, you can visit Szechenyi Bath and Spa, which provides spa facilities and beautiful baths in Budapest. Apart from that, you can holiday to the famous Lake Heviz hot springs with a temperature of 250C. Therefore, many local and foreign tourists from hot visit this place. Especially during winter.

Budapest City

Budapest is nicknamed the City of Spas. Yes, this is not without reason. Because Budapest is the only national capital in the world that has hot springs. This tradition was originally carried out when the 2nd century when the Romans used hot springs as a treatment. Now Budapest offers 15 free hot springs for the public to enjoy. Therefore, many people visit here to take a hot bath to get rid of their ailments. Hopefully, you too can visit this city to enjoy the beautiful scenery and hot baths.

Gul Baba

If you want to explore Budapest, you can visit Gul Baba which is a place of pilgrimage for Muslims. Interestingly, around this location, you can find many roses because the city is located on Rose Hill, one of the elite and richest neighborhoods in Budapest. Gul Baba was an Ottoman poet who lived in the 16th century.

In addition, this Gul Baba is known as a Jafer, in addition. Gul Baba also often participated in Europe campaigns from the beginning of Mehmed II’s reign until the next government. Gul Baba died in 1541. According to the story, the cause of Gul Baba’s death is still unclear with certainty. However. Many peoples say that Gul Baba died as a result of the battle under the city walls on August 21, 1541. Gul Bab’s grave is now often used as a historical tourist spot, especially for Muslims, and this tomb is located in the building of the Budapest Mosque. The tomb was built to resemble the shape of a mosque.

St. Stephen’s Basilica Church

Another historical landmark in Budapest is St Stephen’s Basilica Church. this church can accommodate 8,500 people. This church has a dome height reaching 96 meters. The construction of this house of worship took quite a long time, more than 50 years. From here you can see a stunning panoramic view of the city. Many people come to Hungary one of the factors because of this church. Many tourists who come here to pay their respects to King St. Stephen who died in 1038. Previously this church was the 6th largest church in Hungary, but now it is the third largest church in Hungary.

What makes this place interesting is that while in this church, visitors will see the architectural style of the church which is so beautiful and charming. With a Greek cross in plan and anchored to the two bells in the church. The bell in the church weighs about 9 tons. So, visitors who want to see the bell, can use the elevator or climb the 364 stairs. In addition, the bell is located at a 360° angle facing Budapest. Hopefully, your trip will be more enjoyable.

Gellert Hills

Another amazing tourist attraction that you can see in Hungary is the Panorama of this beautiful city which is on a hill with a height of approximately 235 meters. To get to this place, you need about 15 minutes. Apart from that, you can also visit the fort here. Therefore, this tourist spot is perfect for those of you who like natural scenery.

In this place, besides being able to see the natural scenery that stretches and turns green, another uniqueness of this place is the skyway cable car that can transport visitors. Not only that, visitors can also go up the hill to see the sights in the city of Budapest. For those of you who are traveling with your family, you can bring them to enjoy the facilities on Gellert Hill.

For you to know, the hill has many historical stories. Here you can see historical monuments in Gellert Hills. On this hill, you can see a large statue holding a cross. The statue overlooks the Elizabeth Bridge. For those of you who bring children while climbing this hill, you must pay close attention to their safety. Don’t let your child play in the hill area without your knowledge. That’s because Gellert Hill is filled with steep and steep spots. If your child slips and falls, then your child will enter a steep cliff.

Visegrad royal palace

Another attractive historical tourist attraction is the Visegrad Royal Palace. In the past, this palace in Hungary was very popular. At that time, Hungary was in the form of an empire and one of the famous palaces of the Hungarian Empire was Visegrad. Visegrad Royal Palace was built by Charles I around 1316 and from this palace, you can see the beauty of the Danube lake up close. Although this palace is no longer intact due to the attacks of several empires from outside Hungary, the main Visegrad building can still be enjoyed and immortalized in photographs. However, to explore this place, be prepared to walk quite a distance.

3. Conclusion

Those are some attractive and popular tourist attractions in Hungary that we recommend. Hopefully, our review can be a preparation for those of you who want to take a vacation and visit Europe. Hopefully, our review can be your travel guide. Then, you can choose the location of the tourist attraction that suits your taste. Immediately prepare your vacation with the airline you trust. Happy holidays to Hungary.



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