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HomeFoodsMust Try Famous Dishes in Netherlands for Your Best Dinner Time

Must Try Famous Dishes in Netherlands for Your Best Dinner Time

Foodntravelling.com – If you visit a country, make sure you also try its specialties. Because if you try their special food, you will find a long history. History of what foods they eat every day. The history of the background of the emergence of these foods. The history of the eating culture of a nation from time to time. And the Netherlands has all that history. The Netherlands, which is famous for its windmills and tulips, turns out to have delicious specialties that you must try. Dutch food has various types that are served at certain times. This windmill nation has three times to eat their food. Among other things, time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For this time will be discussed about the typical Dutch food at dinner. The following is a discussion of Must Try Famous Dishes in Netherlands for Your Best Dinner Time. Let’s discuss it!

  1. Stamppot


The first famous dishes in Netherlands is stamppot. When winter comes, the body needs to be warm. This warmth can be obtained from food, namely Stamppot. Stamppot is made from hot potatoes that are boiled until soft. After the potatoes are mashed, add salt and pepper. And to add to the nutritional value of this food, added vegetables. Among other things, radishes, spinach, endive, and other vegetables that are delicious to eat with stamppots. For the final touch, usually, the Stamppot is sliced with bacon or bacon according to your taste. The combination of hot mashed potatoes, vegetables, and bacon, will make winter in Holland even more meaningful.

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  1. Snert

Snert Soup

Snert is one of the foods consumed by the Dutch to pass the winter. This food should not be missed for dinner in winter. Snert is dinner food in the form of soup. This snack is made from crushed peas. After mashed the peas will be boiled with sliced vegetables. And for the topping, usually given rookworst, smoked meat to bacon. Snert soup should be very thick, because the thick taste will make your stomach very warm when you swallow it. So you don’t have to worry about winter in Holland.

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  1. Bitterballen


The next famous dishes in Netherlands is bitterballen. This one dinner meal is very famous all over the world. Bitterballen or Dutch meatballs, which have the distinctive taste of this windmill country, have become an iconic food. Bitterballen is made from beef or pork or chicken seasoned with salt and pepper and then chopped. After chopping, the dough is made into a round. After that, the meatballs are covered with eggs and then put in breadcrumbs and deep fried. Some restaurants in the Netherlands make modifications by adding mozzarella cheese to it. Bitterballen is usually eaten at dinner with potatoes and frikandel.

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  1. Frikandel


One of the typical foods from the Netherlands is the form of skinless sausage. Sausage without skin in the Netherlands is often called Frikandel. The mention of Frikandel is because the Dutch often mock foods that are shaped like the genitals of an old man. But make no mistake, this frikandel is the most famous food in the Netherlands. This frikandel is made from beef, pork, or chicken. You can choose what meat you want. Additionally, frikandel can be eaten with long buns or broodje, much like a hot dog. Frikandel can be made for topping other dinner dishes.

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  1. Kroket

Kroket Snacks

The next famous dishes in Netherlands are croquettes. The second most famous food is croquettes. This potato, which is mashed into a fine powder and then shaped into an oval shape, is the second most famous food in the Netherlands. If you eat croquettes make sure you are accompanied by bitterballen and Frikandel. Croquettes are a dinner dish that can’t be missed.

Croquettes are made from boiled potatoes until soft. After the potatoes are boiled, mash all the potatoes until they become soft. Once soft, add seasonings such as salt and pepper. Then, mix with the eggs and form the dough into an oval. After that, coat it with breadcrumbs and deep fry it. The delicacy of croquettes will make your dinner even more delicious with the family.

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  1. Rookworst


The traditional dish that is often served at the next dinner is rookworst. This one food is made from smoked beef and then put into a sausage mold. At first, rookworst was smoked directly from the smoked wood. So that it appears a distinctive aroma when you eat it. In addition, rookworst in ancient times was also made from cow intestines. However, now rookworst uses bovine collagen for its sausage molds. Rookworst can be paired with Snert, stamppot, and other dinner foods. So apart from eating Snert and Stamppot, you should also try Rookworst firsthand.

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  1. Hachee


The next famous dishes in Netherlands is hachee. One of the typical Dutch foods that must be tried for dinner. Hachee is usually served in winter and fall, but if you like, you can eat it any time. Hachee has a unique form of cuisine because the meat served is doused with a thick brown sauce. The meat used in this dish is not cut large. The meat used for Hachee is cut into cubes or small pieces. In addition, Hachee also uses some additional ingredients. Among other things, purple cabbage, apples, vinegar, and mashed potatoes. It’s very typical Dutch food. Hachee has a very melted taste, uniquely savory and juicy flesh. You can eat this hachee with rice, or potatoes at dinner.

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  1. Kibbeling


If you’ve ever eaten herring, you’re sure to be familiar with Kibbeling. Yes, Kibbeling is a dinner food made from herring. However, kibbeling and herring have a difference, namely how to process them. If the herring is eaten raw, then the kibbeling is cooked first. Before frying, the kibbeling is seasoned and then cut into small pieces. After being cut into small pieces, the kibbeling is covered with flour and then deep fried. Once cooked, kibbeling given tartar sauce can also mayonnaise. As a complement, don’t forget to use onions to taste the kibbeling. This food is usually served for dinner that can be eaten with potatoes and others.

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  1. Indonesian Rijstafel

Indonesian Rijstafel

The next famous dishes in Netherlands is Indonesian rijsttafel. The Netherlands has a very long history when it comes to food. This long history involves a Dutch colonial state in the past. The country is Indonesia which is in Southeast Asia. A few centuries ago the Netherlands and Indonesia had a very close relationship, so there are several things in common. The Netherlands has one dinner menu that is closely related to Indonesia, namely Indonesia Rijstafel. If you visit a Dutch restaurant for dinner you will be offered this menu. The Indonesian food menu is served sequentially. Starting from gado-gado (mixed vegetables), satay to rendang, everything is here. So, you must try these foods because of the many spices and delicious spicy taste. When else will you taste Indonesian specialties when visiting the Netherlands.

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  1. Hutspot


The last famous dishes in Netherlands is the hutspot. And at the same time end this discussion. The next food is a food that is identical to stamppot. Unlike the stamppot, the hutspot is made by boiling potatoes, onions, and carrots together. After boiling together, the potatoes, onions, and carrots are mashed until smooth. After that Hutspot is served. This simple dish is usually served during winter. Hutspot will be given toppings on it in the form of rookworst, frikandel, and bacon. If you still feel less savory you can add salt or pepper to this Hutspot.

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Thus our discussion of Must Try Famous Dishes in Netherlands for Your Best Dinner Time. The Netherlands has a variety of delicious dinner foods. Some Dutch dinner foods have a long history. The history of these foods can be the topic of your conversation at the dinner table with your family. Above we hope you have provided several kinds of dinner food for you and your family to enjoy while visiting the Netherlands. So, what are you waiting for, immediately go to the Netherlands, and feel the delicacy of the Dutch dinner menu. Happy holidays!

Hello travel enthusiast! You can call me Aji. Life is sometimes very boring, but when we go on vacation and taste delicious dishes makes life enjoyable. Therefore, I will share the best travel destinations, culinary, and places to eat around the world that you will visit. So, follow my journey and enjoy it!


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